Egypt Zones accountACCOUNT

Project Supervisor:As an ambitious person,I enjoy working in a fast paced team-oriented environment,where I can assist others while challenging myself

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Education: 4
Experience: 2 years
Relocation: Yes - Internationally

Industry Experience
1 years Project Manager
1 years Engineer
1 years Engineer

Career Objective

I want to obtain a position that allows me to utilize my current skills to assist in the development and advancement of a growing business.I am also enthusiastic to learn new skills and techniques in business and technology and increase my knowledge

Professional Experience

Mirror Solutions,S.A. (Window Contractors) (Panama January 2015-present)
Project Supervisor
-Responsible for supervising the inside workers in the construction site
-Responsible to make the order to the suppliers.
-Managing the reports of work progress of the construction site.
-Provide the communication between te contractor and the constructor.
-Responsible of the procedures for collecting receivables from the projects.
In charge of measurements of the construction site to assists the CEO to provide the budgets for the constructors clients.

Aluminios Cristalven, C.A. (Glass Workshop) (Barcelona, Venezuela January 2014-December 2014)
Workshop Manager
Responsible of follow up the maintenance records and quality of the equipment.
- Responsible for manage of the glass machinery such as sandblasting and straight-
line edgers.
- Responsible to make the orders to the suppliers.
- Provide the budgets to any types of clients of the glass workshop
- Assists in maintaining inventory of equipment and supplies.

Tigasco Gas Licuado, C.A (Barcelona, Venezuela. August 2013- January 2014)
Intern for thesis

- Propose upgrades to the air compressor system of the Refreshing Gas Tank Plant
- Analyses the current situations of the maintenances applied in the air compressor
system with the purpose to know the functionality
- Determine the failures of the maintenances applied to the air compressor system to
establish corrective actions
- Propose maintenance task to the air compressor system to improve the operational
- Develop an economic evaluation to determinate the viability of the improvement to
the air compressor system.


UNIVERSIDAD GRAN MARISCAL DE AYACUCHO – Faculty of Science Economy and Socials
Diplomat in Management for engineers (Venezuela February 2014- July 2014)
- Concentration: Gerneral Management for engineers
Bachelor of Engineer (Venezuela, October 2009- August 2014)
● Concentration: Maintenance Engineering


Module C (QHSE)

Additional Information

Realized Courses

- Design and develop of Maintenances Plans
- Basic theory of compressed air
- Autocad 2D
- Module C (QHSE)

Skills and Languages

knowledge on Software such as:
ANNUAL enterprise, A2, Microsoft Office.


Fluent: English, Spanish

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