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Egypt to Count on Local Manufacturing Component of Mass Transport Buses

Source: 12/3/2022, Location: Africa

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Transport Minister Kamel el Wazir asserted that the buses of mass transportation will not be imported from abroad and Egypt will only count on local manufacturing component and assembly under the directives of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to encourage the private sector in cooperation with the state to increase local manufacturing of transportation means.

This came during the inking of a contract for supplying 100 bus rapid transit (BRT) in the presence of Wazir and Minister of Public Business Sector Mahmoud Esmat.

Wazir pointed out to the importance of local manufacturing of mass transportation means to provide hard currency and job opportunities, adding that the local manufacturing will include local component of 85% to enable the state to open new markets for exportation, especially to North African and Arab countries.

The plan of the state aims at manufacturing buses under eco-friendly standards, he said.

Nasr Company started with manufacturing buses operating by natural gas then electricity until it reaches manufacturing green hydrogen-powered buses.

He pointed out to the success to secure eco-friendly buses during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27) with the participation of all those concerned with the technical standards in the field of transport and partnership with the private sector to supply eco-friendly buses.

He said that the smart eco-friendly mass transportation system will continue in Sharm el Sheikh, Luxor, Hurghada, Alexandria, Cairo and Aswan.

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