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Maait: Hosting AIIB Meetings Reflects Egypt Leading Role

Source: 9/25/2023, Location: Africa

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Finance Minister Mohamed Maeet said that the eighth annual meetings of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which kicked off here, reflects Egypt’s leading role at the regional and international levels.

Addressing the gathering, Maeet touched upon Egyptian efforts to support all aspects of sustainable development.

He said Egypt supports the different aspects of comprehensive and sustainable development that lead to the prosperity of world peoples.

Better seen in an African and Arab context, Egypt’s hosting of the meetings of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank affirms this approach chosen by the political leadership that understands the importance of communication and cooperation in light of grave challenges facing the world.

The AIIB annual meetings are held this year amid big global challenges, with repercussions of the coronavirus still lingering, Maeet said, noting that the last gathering of the bank was in 2019.

Such challenges have spilled over into all economic and social sectors and were followed by a massive inflationary wave that hit the world and affected its economies, especially those of emerging and developing countries, the finance minister said.

This has greatly undermined the ability of those countries to counter an even bigger challenge, which is that of climate change, Maeet noted.

The AIIB meetings are held at a time the world most needs international cross-border cooperation and communication, he said.

He talked about preparatory meetings hosted by his Ministry with representatives of the Egyptian private sector and the AIIB to probe best ways to support co-operation between the two sides.

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